



很多时候我们喜欢在自己电脑的终端直接ssh连接Linux服务器,而不喜欢使用那些有UI界面的工具区连接我们的服务器。可是在终端使用ssh我们每次都需要输入账号和密码,这也是一个烦恼,所以我们可以简单的打造一个在Linux/Mac os运行的自动ssh登录远程服务器的小工具.




1. 添加/删除连接服务器需要的IP,端口,密码 2. 自动输入密码登录远程服务器


1.我们建个模块目录osnssh(Open source noob ssh),然后在下面再建两个目录,一个用来放主程序取名叫bin吧,一个用来保存登录数据(IP, 端口,密码)叫data吧。

-osnssh     -bin     -data

1.设置程序:添加/删除IP,端口,密码. 建立py文件bin/setting.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import re, base64, os, sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) ''' 选项配置管理 __author__ = 'allen woo' ''' def add_host_main():     while 1:         if add_host():             break         print("/n/nAgain:")  def add_host():     '''     添加主机信息     :return:      '''     print("================Add=====================")     print("[Help]Input '#q' exit")     # 输入IP     host_ip = str_format("Host IP:", "^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])/.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])/.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])/.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])$")     if host_ip == "#q":         return 1     # 输入端口     host_port = str_format("Host port(Default 22):", "[0-9]+")     if host_port == "#q":         return 1     # 输入密码     password = str_format("Password:", ".*")     if password == "#q":         return 1     # 密码加密     password = base64.encodestring(password)     # 输入用户名     name = str_format("User Name:", "^[^ ]+$")     if name == "#q":         return 1     elif not name:         os.system("clear")         print("[Warning]:User name cannot be emptyg")         return 0      # The alias     # 输入别名     alias = str_format("Local Alias:", "^[^ ]+$")     if alias == "#q":         return 1     elif not alias:         os.system("clear")         print("[Warning]:Alias cannot be emptyg")         return 0     # 打开数据保存文件     of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path))     hosts = of.readlines()     # 遍历文件数据,查找是否有存在的Ip,端口,还有别名     for l in hosts:         l = l.strip("/n")         if not l:             continue         l_list = l.split(" ")         if host_ip == l_list[1] and host_port == l_list[2]:             os.system("clear")             print("[Warning]{}:{} existing".format(host_ip, host_port))             return 0         if alias == l_list[4]:             os.system("clear")             print("[Warning]Alias '{}' existing".format(alias))             return 0     of.close()     # save     # 保存数据到数据文件     of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "a")     of.write("/n{} {} {} {} {}".format(name.strip("/n"), host_ip.strip("/n"), host_port, password.strip("/n"), alias.strip("/n")))     of.close()     print("Add the success:{} {}@{}:{}".format(alias.strip("/n"), name.strip("/n"), host_ip.strip("/n"), host_port, password.strip("/n")))     return 1  def remove_host():     '''     删除主机信息     :return:      '''     while 1:         # 打开数据文件         of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path))         hosts = of.readlines()         of.close         l = len(hosts)         if l <= 0:             os.system("clear")             print("[Warning]There is no host")             return          print("================Remove================")         print("+{}+".format("-"*40))         print("|     Alias   UserName@IP:PORT")         hosts_temp = []         n = 0         # 遍历输出所以信息(除了密码)供选择         for i in range(0, l):             if not hosts[i].strip():                 continue             v_list = hosts[i].strip().split(" ")             print("+{}+".format("-"*40))             print("| {} | {}   {}@{}:{}".format(n+1, v_list[4], v_list[0], v_list[1], v_list[2]))             n += 1             hosts_temp.append(hosts[i])         hosts = hosts_temp[:]         print("+{}+".format("-"*40))         c = raw_input("[Remove]Choose the Number or Alias('#q' to exit):")         is_alias = False         is_y = False         try:             c = int(c)             if c > l or c < 1:                 os.system("clear")                 print("[Warning]:There is no")                 continue             del hosts[c-1]             is_y = True          except:             is_alias = True         if is_alias:             if c.strip() == "#q":                 os.system("clear")                 break               n = 0             for l in hosts:                 if c.strip() == l.split(" ")[4].strip():                     del hosts[n]                     is_y = True                  n += 1         if not is_y:             os.system("clear")             print("[Warning]:There is no")             continue         else:              # save             # 再次确认是否删除             c = raw_input("Remove?[y/n]:")             if c.strip().upper() == "Y":                 of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "w")                 for l in hosts:                     of.write(l)                 print("Remove the success!")                 of.close()  def str_format(lable, rule):     '''     用于验证输入的数据格式     :param lable:      :param rule:      :return:      '''     while 1:         print("{} ('#q' exit)".format(lable))         temp = raw_input().strip()         m = re.match(r"{}".format(rule), temp)         if m:             break         elif "port" in lable:             temp = 22             break         elif temp.strip() == "#q":             os.system("clear")             break         os.system("clear")         print("[Warning]:Invalid format")      return temp

2. 我们再添加一个函数在setting.py用于输出我们的信息,也就是about me。

def about():     '''     输出关于这个程序的信息     :return:      '''     of = open("{}/bin/about.dat".format(path))     rf = of.read()     try:         info = eval(rf)         os.system("clear")         print("================About osnssh================")         for k,v in info.items():             print("{}: {}".format(k, v))     except:         print("For failure.")     return


{     "auther":"Allen Woo",     "Introduction":"In Linux or MAC using SSH, do not need to enter the IP and password for many times",     "Home page":"",     "Download address":"https://github.com/osnoob/osnssh",     "version":"1.1.0",     "email":"xiaopingwoo@163.com" }


2. 自动登录远程服务器程序:在bin建个py文件叫auto_ssh.py:
注意:这里我们需要先安装个包叫:pexpect, 用户终端交互,捕捉交互信息实现自动输入密码。

pip install pexpect


#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import os, sys, base64 import pexpect path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))  def choose():     # 打开我们的数据文件     of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path))     hosts = of.readlines()     hosts_temp = []     for h in hosts:         if h.strip():             hosts_temp.append(h)     hosts = hosts_temp[:]     l = len(hosts)     if l <= 0:         os.system("clear")         print("[Warning]Please add the host server")         return     while 1:          print("=================SSH===================")         print("+{}+".format("-"*40))         print("|     Alias   UserName@IP:PORT")         for i in range(0, l):             v_list = hosts[i].strip().split(" ")             print("+{}+".format("-"*40))             print("| {} | {}   {}@{}:{}".format(i+1, v_list[4], v_list[0], v_list[1], v_list[2]))         print("+{}+".format("-"*40))         c = raw_input("[SSH]Choose the number or alias('#q' exit):")         is_alias = False         is_y = False         try:             c = int(c)             if c > l or c < 1:                 os.system("clear")                 print("[Warning]:There is no")                 continue             l_list = hosts[c-1].split(" ")             name = l_list[0]             host = l_list[1]             port = l_list[2]             password = l_list[3]             is_y = True          except:             is_alias = True         if is_alias:             if c.strip() == "#q":                 os.system("clear")                 return             for h in hosts:                 if c.strip() == h.split(" ")[4].strip():                     l_list = h.split(" ")                     name = l_list[0]                     host = l_list[1]                     port = l_list[2]                     password = l_list[3]                     is_y = True         if not is_y:             continue         # ssh         # 将加密保存的密码解密         password = base64.decodestring(password)         print("In the connection...")         # 准备远程连接,拼接ip:port         print("{}@{}".format(name, host))         if port == "22":             connection("ssh {}@{}".format(name, host), password)          else:             connection("ssh {}@{}:{}".format(name, host, port), password)  def connection(cmd, pwd):     '''     连接远程服务器     :param cmd:      :param pwd:      :return:      '''     child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)     i = child.expect([".*password.*", ".*continue.*?", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])     if( i == 0 ):         # 如果交互中出现.*password.*,就是叫我们输入密码         # 我们就把密码自动填入下去         child.sendline("{}/n".format(pwd))         child.interact()     elif( i == 1):         # 如果交互提示是否继续,一般第一次连接时会出现         # 这个时候我们发送"yes",然后再自动输入密码         child.sendline("yes/n")         child.sendline("{}/n".format(pwd))          #child.interact()         else:         # 连接失败         print("[Error]The connection fails")

3.再osnssh目录下建个osnssh.py 文件:

#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import os, sys sys.path.append("../") from bin import setting, auto_ssh path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) ''' 方便在LINUX终端使用ssh,保存使用的IP:PORT , PASSWORD 自动登录 __author__ = 'allen woo' ''' def main():     while 1:          print("==============OSNSSH [Menu]=============")         print("1.Connection between a host/n2.Add host/n3.Remove host/n4.About/n[Help]: q:quit   clear:clear screen")         print("="*40)         c = raw_input("Please select a:")         if c == 1 or c == "1":             auto_ssh.choose()         if c == 2 or c == "2":             setting.add_host_main()         if c == 3 or c == "3":             setting.remove_host()         if c == 4 or c == "4":             setting.about()         elif c == "clear":             os.system("clear")         elif c == "q" or c == "Q" or c == "quit":             print("Bye")             sys.exit()         else:             print("/n")  if __name__ == '__main__':     try:         of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path))     except:         of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "w")     of.close()     main()


$python osnssh.py

Github: https://github.com/osnoob/osnssh
码云: https://git.oschina.net/osnoob/noobssh




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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